
With the ANC, we bring forth a place to securely store neurocognitive research data and provide innovative tools and services for data maintenance and utilization.
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The need for a domain-specific repository to store and share neurocognitive research data arises from a set of circumstances that lie in past, present, and future.
Learn about our drivers


As a fully integrated environment for data storage, administration, and analysis, the ANC is more than up to the job for modern sunstainable data management. Using the ANC means using community-wide accepted standards for data annotation, state-of-the-art analysis rountines, and upt-to-date maintenance and protection tools.
Discover how we operate


The ANC received state-level funding (2020-2024) and is currently striving to move beyond project-status. At the University of Salzburg, we aspire to secure the necessary resources to maintain and evolve the ANC as a sustainable information system.
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Terms of Use

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Browse our ANC handbook, including system architecture and data operations manuals.


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Our Head of Project, Univ.Prof. Dr. Florian Hutzler, recently gave a speech on the possibilities of open research data. By promoting the principles of open science, we aim to expand the use of open research and encourage more people to contribute to our project.

ANC at SAMBA 2024

Our PhD student Barbara presented a poster showcasing the ANC at SAMBA 2024. With a whole bunch of insightful exchanges with colleagues and potential future users of the ANC, this was a resounding success. We're encouraged by the positive response and excited about the opportunities ahead.

Visitors from Montreal - Neurobagel and Nipoppy

We were delighted to host Sebastian Urchs and Nikhil Bhagwat from the exciting Neurobagel project based in the ORIGAMI Lab at the Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada. We had productive discussions and mutually profited from one another's expertise and challenges experienced in trying to advance the management of neuro-cognitive research data. This collaboration promises to enhance our efforts and drive forward innovative solutions in our field.

Anna's defensio

"Is there a doctor on board?" Indeed, there is!!! Is it about data? Do we have a severe case of ontological constructivism? Either way, Anna can help for sure. Congratulations to Dr. Anna Ravenschlag for successfully defending her PhD dissertation titled 'It's about data - How ontology-based semantic enrichment of neurocognitive data can aid knowledge valorization and FAIR data operations in Cognitive Neuroscience'

PsychoPy/JS code sprint

Our PhD student Monique Denissen participated in the 2024 PsychoPy/JS code sprint at the University of Nottingham from 15-17 April 2024. She was invited to work on the BIDS plug-in and talk about data standards. A more automatic generation of BIDS events will allow users without much coding experience to adhere to BIDS standards using the PsychoPy Builder only.

New paper out on the past, present, and future of BIDS!

Our Senior Scientist Mateusz Pawlik contributed to a recently published article outlining the history and future vision of BIDS, the community standard for organizing brain imaging data.

Presentation of the ANC in a new paper

We published a new paper presenting the ANC in an Austrian Journal on Higher Education Development. Our PI Florian Hutzler and scientific coordinator Nicole Himmelstoß present the ANC as a showcase repository for FAIR and TRUSTworthy research data management.


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Funders and Projects